History of Coogee Randwick Clovelly
RSL sub-branchs


Combined Coogee Randwick Clovelly RSL sub-Branch:

In 2013, members of Clovelly sub-Branch and Randwick–Coogee sub-Branch had informal discussions about merging the 2.

The reason for this was that Clovelly was in the process of selling their building and needed to re-locate their office so that its could continue.

Agreement was reached on all matters , the most important being that the Board members of Coogee Diggers Club agreed to let the new sub-Branch set up its office in club premises.

So, after approval from members of both sub-Branches and RSL State Council, the new sub-Branch commenced its operations as from January 1, 2014.

The current membership of the sub-Branch is 140, comprising Service, Affiliates and Life Subscribers.

Coogee–Randwick RSL sub-Branch:

This was formed on August 2,1928 and after re-locating several times , the sub-Branch moved to the premises at the corner of Byron & Carr Street, Coogee. This is now referred to as ‘Coogee Diggers Club’. The sub-Branch has occupied these premises ever since. 

Clovelly RSL sub-Branch:

This was formed in the 1940’s and after re-locating several times, the sub-Branch purchased premises at the corner of Knox Street and Clovelly Road, Clovelly. Occupancy of these premises lasted until October 2013 when the new owners took over.