RSL Sub-Branch Membership Registration

Service Member


Affiliate Member



AUxiliary Member

RSL Logo.png

Any person who has served in the Australian Defence Force, or served with or supported or was otherwise engaged with the Australian Defence Force or the Armed Forces of its Allies, for at least 6 months, or any other person provided for in the Constitution, may be admitted to Service Membership.

If you think you are eligible for membership click here  for information on how to obtain a copy of your Service Records.

When members move, some wish to become involved in the nearest Sub-Branch, but are loathed to break ties with the “old” Sub Branch.

A member who becomes an Associate of another Sub Branch, is only permitted to vote, speak and hold office at one Sub Branch and must choose which that sub-branch will be for the duration of one year.














Persons who are eligible to become an Affiliate Member must be eighteen years or age or older and comply with one of the following:

a) is a person who is any relative of a person (living or deceased) who is or was eligible to be a Service or Life Member of the League (proof of eligibility to be provided to the sub-Branch)

b) is a person who has been awarded the Certificate of Merit or a National or State Certificate of Appreciation for giving valued service to the League.

c) is a Cadet and/or Officer or Cadets

d) is any such person deemed by the sub-Branch Committee to have provided significant service to the sub-Branch and support of the Objectives of the League.



Request Membership information - FILL IN AND SUBMIT THE BELOW FORM

The Returned & Services League of Australia Mission Statement

RSL exists to provide for the well-being, care, compensation and commemoration of serving and ex-serving Defence Force Personnel and their dependants and promote Government and Community awareness of the need for a stable and progressive Australia.

Objectives of the League

  • Provide effective and efficient management of the League’s assets and resources for the benefit of its members and of the serving members of the ADF.

  • Provide Welfare and Advocacy services to serving and ex-service persons and their dependants.

  • Assist all serving and ex-serving men and women in need of support.

  • Provide a support base to encourage future membership of the League.

  • Support the provision of commemoration and remembrance of those who have served our Country.

  • Encourage fellowship and mateship for members of the League.

  • Act as an effective lobby group to Government.

  • Provide moral and active support for the ADF:

  • Promotion of fair pay, allowances and benefits for ADF personnel.

  • Provision of comfort parcels for ADF members serving overseas by through the RSL Australian Forces Overseas Fund.

  • Provision of Honorary membership of the League for the ensuing year for members of the ADF returning from operational or peace keeping duties.

  • Promotion of loyalty and pride for Australia, the Crown and the Australian Flag.

  • Co-operation with other ex-service organisations.

  • Support the education of the Australia’s youth in the achievements of our Armed Forces.